Merlin/Arthur (Merthur) // When She Loved Me

Monday, 14 June 2010 § 0

The lyrics are pretty self-explainitory, but just for the sake of it, here's a quick summary: Grey clips with no border: 'Present' day Grey clips with border: the past, when Merlin is upset Colour clips: past, when Merlin is happy Starts off with Merlin thinking back over his love for Arthur. He has been in love with Arthur since before he can remember, and he is sure that Arthur feels the same. There is a series of flashbacks where he remembers all the wonderful times they have spent together. After a while, Arthur begins to grow cold and distant to Merlin, and this really upsets him. He is even more devestated when he finds Arthur flirting with other women, and eventually, he walks in on him kissing a girl. He realises that Arthur doesn't love him anymore, and accepts his fate. I know it's really depressing, or bittersweet, or whatever, but I really wanted to make this song, becuase it made me cry so much in the movie "Toy Story 2". By the way guys- Merlin fianlly gets a chance at being the 'guy' yeeeeeey!!! Music: When She Loved Me by Sara McLaughlin from Toy Story 2 OST

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