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We Weren't Born To Follow Overviews

One-track CD single from the forthcoming album The Circle.

Track listing:

1. We Weren't Born To Follow

Customer Review

Fortunately I just happened upon this song while Bon Jovi was being interviewed on A&E and they performed it live for the first time. I rewound and listen about three times. Lyrics and melody will capture you immediately, popping up in your head days and weeks later. Not easy to forget and very much a song worth remembering. Who among us does not wish to be remembered in some small way as one who kicked against the norm and made a change? Thank God for those who fearlessly find and take the path less traveled, making a positive difference. I love this song and thank you Bon Jovi for reminding the Boomers of who we were in the 60's and that there is much to still kick and spit against and much to change and improve. Most of all, thank you for reminding all of us we do not have to go gently into that good night because we were not born to follow!!!

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Product Information and Prices Stored: Jun 07, 2010 16:00:13

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