Please read! Story: Sylar thought he did to Claire. He), he explained to her call, and she has forgiven him, why he her a chance (can not control his hunger for such a description could. A few days later at the club and saw Sylar, Claire, and he to her walk, she finally some good time with when I met her support for him I can not stop Claire came home. Now, as a few weeks they saw Claire called him and they to meet again (as they some to acceptTimes per week). Both of them came to love so much and gives her a chain of Sylar. Unfortunately, their HRG. Claire, Sylar because he thought you were not approved of her boyfriend never told him. The couple fled, and chocked with HRG and Claire, Sylar does not want to. The next day, HRG and Sylar Sylar himself, as he was trying to explain to Claire discovers, HRG listen to him and does not need to shoot him. But the heels and away from Sylar, and he does not want to hurt HRG walks. WhenClaire finds out she is insane, HRG hits, he does not do her. Now Sylar and Claire, with Claire, since she loves her family left for the people. One day they're now very happy together and that she was pregnant with Claire, Sylar almost any are found him crying. After nine months after their baby is born: I hope you like my sister really lived happily ever after! ! Games you please let me know that I can write about a thing! You can see it in HD! SPOILER WARNING! Video...