Ambiguity Called Relationships

Saturday, 28 August 2010 § 0

In course of our journey of life we meet many people and loose contact with most of them perhaps never to meet again. What combinations and permutations bring two people together and what takes them drift apart is something difficult to decipher.

People meet and become attracted to one another. If they are of opposite gender there is a high probability of their being in love. Again if every thing goes well they plan to and also translate this attraction and love into matrimony. Every thing goes well till the beginning of array of incidents which if not taken care of from the beginning accumulate casting an impact of magnitude consequences. People who were once in love and could not live away from one another which made they marry each other now cannot live together. But what went wrong in between.

Some people attribute this drifting to the presence of an extra-marital affair. But it come to mind there was something amiss and weakening of bond between the couple that lead to one partner getting into the idea of yet another person or any reason. Why did the idea of another person at all come into the mind, then incidents took place and added fuel to fire causing the reinforcement and to the settlement of the idea of dissonance gradually leading to the feeling of apathy towards ones partner. Besides extra-marital affairs there are other factors of difference that cause rift between the couple. Couple should take notice of such points of difference and take immediate steps to smoothen them at the sight of inception before it spreads its tentacles.

Trick to this lies in idea. Every thing started from circumstances leading to the occurrence of that idea and its further consolidation. So going back to the start is also the solution to the problem.

o Long term partnerships work on the grounds of trust, sincerity and mutual understanding. Commitment to work out the relationship and devotion to ones partner can never fail to cast notice on the other partner's attention.

o Infidelity and two-timing cannot be tolerated in love. Partners must take care to stay away from temptation least they loose the trust of the partner.

o Maintain correct tone, volume and use of words keeping in mind it does not hurt the partner in any way.

o Respect and true love pay in reciprocation sooner or later.

o Take care of each other needs and demands and much as possible.

o Share everyday talk. Open and unambiguous communication for everything they have done during the day and taking partner's opinion like heartiest buddy is the key to making each other dependent on each other.

o Eat at least one meal together. Meals prepared by the lady of the house go miles in consolidation of the relationship. My aunt does excellent cooking and keeps her house clean and up to date in spite of the fact that she is a working lady. My uncle has become so much habitual to eating food cooked by her that even during times of urgency he prefers to do with fruits but will not eat food from outside.

o Leave ego aside. Any aspect that comes in between the two in terms of down sliding the relationship is a poison and should be spit away at the earliest.

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