#1: Save more for Ghost In My Head Lowest prices today - Find the best prices

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Jill Hennessy anything is possible. She acts, is a bar / restaurant owner, and now is back to its roots. Amazing songwriter and singer of storytelling. This is set melodic guitar chords song. Can not wait for your second album of the work.

Ghost In My Head Overview

Drawn from, or inspired by, personal experiences -- some direct, some tangential, some metaphorical -- the songs on Ghost In My Head are bone-marrow direct, honest and spectral. Some, like "Save Me" and "4 Small Hands," are keening laments for unnamable loss -- irretrievable innocence or opportunity or something deeper. Others, like "10,000 Miles" or "Oh Mother" or "Holding On," are, according to Jill, "deliberately big, written to be huge and forceful. Every song is so story-driven. If you can even get one or two words on a page, the words will lead you to the next word; the words sort of guide you. The painting sort of paints itself; the painting tells you where to go."

Trusting her instincts and following her muses, Jill Hennessy has distilled some of the essential passions, experiences and insights of her life into the music and poetry of Ghost In My Head.

Jill wrote the songs comprising Ghost In My Head in a particularly prolific period from 2005-2007. "The songs just started coming out," she confesses. "It was cathartic. When something hits me now, I write it all down."

Track listing:

1. 10,000 Miles

2. 4 Small Hands

3. Ghost In My Head

4. Oh Mother

5. Erin

6. Save Me

7. Falling Down

8. Holding On

9. Slow Down

10. Thank You

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