Kiara's Memories - [My Immortal] // Dedicated to redlinelies.

Monday, 31 May 2010 § 0

- First . Read! - [ turn the volume up! ] This video is for redlinelies. He's an amazing friend and always there for me. :3 I love him so much. x] And he's one of the best TLK AMV Editors here on YouTube. That's my oppinion. :] Red? I just want to say thanks for beeing there for me. :3 I love emotional videos and this one here is emotional I think. I know you don't like emotional stuff. But that's the kind of fan vidding I really addicted to. I love emotional stuff. :] Hopefully, you'll like this video. :] I tried to make it perfect. I think your videos are perfect and I tried to be so damn amazing like you. :] But nobody can beat you in such a fight. :] I would love to be awesome like you in future. ♥ _____________________________ I used TLK2 at the most and a few clips of TLK1. The story: This video is about Kiara, cuz I know Red loves her. :] Simba, Kovu and Mufasa died in different accidentes and Kiara is the one who is still there - alone. She can't forget about the past, what pointed her suizid in the end. And the picture in the end was made in heaven, when Kiara found her familiy again. And no one can seperate them again. :] ♥~ I worked two days on it. O_o I really tried to make it perfect. ^_^" Someone told me that I'm a master of voices. But I don't think so. :P _____________________________ I have 298 subber yet and I have to say thanks. :] I tired to make a subber video. I made over 10 shorty's. But I can't finish them. ._. And when I have an idea, Vegas gets ...

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